Chakra Bamboo Shino Duvet Cover Set Sng 160X220Cm White
Item Code: 431629-22083-WHT
What is Bamboo?
Bamboo fiber is a natural fiber obtained from bamboo trees. It іѕ grоwn without uѕіng реѕtісіdеѕ оr chemical fеrtіlіzеrѕ. Since the fibers are without chemical treatment, they are naturally smoother and rounder with no sharp spurs to irritate the skin. Also, Highly sweat absorbent and eco-friendly. in addition Unlike many of the other fabrics, bamboo is extremely breathable and It is also a very light fiber and has the closest softness to cashmere and silk.
About This Item
This Duvet Cover Design to return to simplicity, not only make you feel more relax and comfortable, but also the used Color can be easily blended with any furniture and will make the room look delicate and timeless.
Package Included: 1 Piece
Product Highlights:
■ Size(cm): 160 x 220
■ Material: 50% Cotton, 50% Bamboo
■ Color: White
■ Use: bedroom, living room, guest room, kids room, dorm room, vacation Place, etc.
Special Feature:
♥ Minimalist Style
♥ Durability
♥ Softness and Comfort
♥ Eco-Friendly
♥ Modern Design
Give Your Rooms a new look with Our Comfortable Yet Unique Designs.